The Lord is calling creative arts out of the shadows. It is time to push past fear and use the talents and giftings He has put inside of us for His glory. In response, we are putting together teams to cultivate the arts and collaborate on lifting the LAMB together as a church. We hope these teams will continue to grow past this seasonal event into more opportunities in the future.

Click below to express interest and learn more about the teams.

  • DANCE - led by Missy Jones (Teens and up)

  • SONGWRITING/Poetry/Spoken Word - led by Katie Braswell (Teens and Up)

  • VISUAL ART/Graphic/Painting/Photography/Woodworking/Sculpture - led by Suzanne Howard (All Ages)

Upcoming Workshop!

We will have a Creative Ministry Workshop on Saturday, October 5th from 9am to 4pm in the Youth Room on Mobile Campus.

Registration is $10 ($20 with a t-shirt) and includes lunch. The categories are: Creative Songwriting and Visual Arts. We will have a celebration at the end of the day as well as a gallery walk to celebrate all the pieces of art!