Registration for LCY Summer Camp (June 16-20) is now open!

The cost is $320 per student, a $90 non-refundable registration fee is due by May 11th. If you would like to sponsor a student, please see Pastor Chris. Please register using the link below as well as fill out the emergency contact form below!

Also, there will be a parent meeting on Sunday, April 6th in the youth foyer area immediately following service or on Wednesday, April 9th at 6pm in the youth room. Please make plans to attend one of the meetings.

Life Church Youth

LC YOUTH is the junior high and high school community of Life Church. We are an extension of the Life Church family, not a separate entity. It is a ministry for high school and middle school teens seeking to deepen their walk with Christ. LCY stands to empower teens to be godly adults. Contemporary worship, relevant godly messages, and meaningful fellowship await you! Our vision is to challenge and equip junior high and high school students to become life-long followers of Jesus connected to His church. Our desire is to help students see themselves beyond just today and into a future with God in mind. Youth is for grades 6-12 (or graduating Senior). We meet weekly on Wednesdays in The Youth Room.

Life Middle: 6th - 8th grade

Our middle schoolers have their own service tailored to where they are on their spiritual journey. Reception in the church foyer. Life Middle is a service designed especially for "Tweens". Life Middle group meets in the sanctuary through praise and worship and then goes to the Youth Room (in the Family Activities Building) for age-appropriate teaching.

Wednesday NIGHT Service:

On Wednesday nights, we meet in the Youth Room, which is the third room in the Family Activities Building, right next door to Life Church Child Development Center. The services are incredible! Live worship, anointed Word, and fun fellowship make up the bedrock of every service. You are invited to come and check it out! 

Service Times:

Our Youth meets every Wednesday night in the Youth Room at 6:30 pm

Contact Chris: